Sunday, July 27, 2008


I forgot to tell you! I've been crawling for almost a month now. Mommy has been catching me on video.

This one was taken on July 19. I was crawling down the hallway to see Mommy but I got distracted by a springy doorstop.

This one was taken today. We went to visit the Greensboro Children's Museum again, and I crawled through a tunnel.

I can also pull myself up to standing position from the ground, but I don't want to do it on camera. Trust me, though. I'm getting pretty good at it, and I even like to climb the stairs. Mommy and Daddy never leave me alone when I'm trying that, though.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Last Friday, I went to the park with Mommy's friend Leah and her son Emerson. We both fit in a swing together. Boy was it fun! Ever since then, Mommy has been taking me swinging almost every day.

Portrait Pictures

On June 29, Mommy and Daddy took me to Portrait Innovations to get my portrait pictures taken. There was a lady there with a funny flower and I kept on smiling when she tickled me with it. After a while, I just smiled when I saw her because she was a nice lady. But she had a light that kept getting bright. I wonder why?

Here are some of the pictures:

I sat up straight in a wicker chair.

I got to play with blocks.

The big bear's brown coat was fuzzy.

Playing with my toes is always fun.

Mommy held me on a chair so you can see my profile.

I'll be back for more portraits around my first birthday!